Friday, January 30, 2009


After an airline flight that felt like it was going to last forever and ever, we stepped off the plane, gathered our luggage, and stepped into a hugh crowd in the arrival area, and were immediately surrounded by smiles, hugs, laughter, tears, and praise to the Father for bringing us back! (You can read several reports about the event itself by clicking on the links to the side, or on these links - Dave and Joyce Owen, Ned and Marisol Farnsworth, or Melissa Heck). They have many pictures which you can enjoy. Anne and I were both overwhelmed, to say the least. This return journey has been the most dificult ever for us, mainly because we were feeling sadness at leaving behind so may people we loved. When we arrived, the Lord reminded us, "See? There are many people here who love you too." The welcome filled the sad spots in our hearts. We still love and miss the ones we love in the States, but now have a realization of God's supernatural love and power that remains with us. We'll have to trust the Lord to fill in the gaps for you, as these words don't begin to describe it all. We thank God for His love flowing through you.

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